Meet Danielle.

What made you consider nursing as a program of study?
I have always wanted to have a career where I could help people and make a difference in my community. I feel like nursing has always been the best way to connect with people while making a difference.
Did you have an ah-ha moment about wanting to become a nurse?
I do not think I had a specific ah-ha moment, but there have been many times within my clinical experience when I have made a small difference in my patient’s care and the families and patients shared their appreciation which has furthered my desire to become a nurse.
Why did you choose WVU School of Nursing?
I had heard about how amazing the nursing program was and when I came to visit the campus, I fell in love with it. The nursing program provides so many real-life clinical experiences within the hospital that other programs did not provide. I also love the mountains and everything there is to do around campus!
Could you share a positive experience from your time at the SON?
Looking back, I would say that my most positive experience was my leadership rotation during my last semester. I was on the Neurology stepdown floor at Ruby for 200 hours and was able to practice and improve all of the nursing skills I have learned over the years. It made me feel like I was prepared and confident enough to finally become a nurse.
What’s one piece of advice you would give your freshman self?
Stay on top of studying starting the first week of the semester, do not put things off until after midterms when you have to work even harder to bring your grade back up. Also, make sure you take time for yourself between studying and clinical and make friends within your nursing classes. Nobody will fully understand the struggle of nursing school like other students in your class.
What are your plans after graduation?
I have a job as a Pediatric ICU nurse at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
How do you feel WVU prepared you for your next chapter?
WVU has many programs to help prepare you for your next chapter. I used the Career Services Center to help me practice for in interviews, and complete and edit my resume and cover letters. I have also had many volunteer opportunities through the school that helped to give me a new perspective on helping the community and how important it is to advocate for it.
Anything else you’d like to add.
Nursing school is very challenging and finding a group of friends who can help you through it is essential. I would not be graduating if I had not had my friends by my side these last four years.