
Pre-Nursing and other college majors may apply for admission to the School of Nursing after one semester of college course work.


  • Minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all college work attempted.
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the pre-requisite courses.
  • Completion of each of the prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or better prior to enrollment. Students who are completing certain prerequisite courses may be offered admission; however, the offer will be rescinded if the courses are not completed prior to the first day of classes.

To be considered, applicants will be required to meet all WVU admission requirements in addition to program-specific admission criteria.

Note: Any student who has been dismissed from the West Virginia University School of Nursing or any other nursing program will not be readmitted or considered for admission to the program. Students who have withdrawn from the WVU SON may be considered for readmission and may apply in accordance with guidelines and criteria found in the undergraduate handbook.

Apply To the School of Nursing

Once you have completed your first semester of classes and reviewed the qualifications, you can begin the application process to apply to the School of Nursing. To begin the process, click Sign Up to enter your first and last name and email address and then SUBMIT.  You will then receive an email with a link to set your password to start the application. Select the campus you would like to apply to (Morgantown, Keyser, or Beckley) and click start application.

Choose Internal Applicant if you are a current WVU student on any of the three campuses or have attended WVU on any of the three campuses. Choose Nursing BSN, Fall 2025 and answer remaining questions.  Remember to hit SUBMIT when completed.

Choose HSC Transfer or Second Degree if you are not a current WVU student. Choose Nursing BSN, Fall 2025 and answer remaining questions.  Remember to hit SUBMIT when completed.

The application period for the upcoming Fall term, and Spring term (Morgantown campus only) opens on November 1 and closes on January 15. All transcripts must be received no later than January 15. Official college transcripts from each college or university attended must be sent directly from the institution to the WVU Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 6009, Morgantown WV 26506 or via an online, secure service such as eScrip-Safe, National Student Clearinghouse, or Parchment to Please note, if you are a current or former WVU student, you do not need to have transcripts sent from the Morgantown, Beckley, or Keyser campuses.

Applications are only available during the periods specified.

Three Campuses. One Choice. One Application.

The BSN program is available on three campuses:  Morgantown, Beckley, and Potomac State and we've made it easy to apply to the campus of your choice.  Simply submit one application per term for the BSN program and your one campus preference. (Submitting multiple applications for the same term to different campuses may cause a processing delay in your application.)


Applicants are notified of admissions decisions via email in March for those starting in the fall semester* and spring semester.

In programs with limited capacity and competitive admissions, the most qualified students are selected among those that meet the minimum requirements. Students who want to appeal the Undergraduate or Graduate Admissions Committee decision as unfair, arbitrary, or capricious may contact the Director of Admissions and Enrollment for the School of Nursing. The request will be forwarded to the committee for consideration, and the student will receive detailed information regarding the formal appeal process.

*Please note, Morgantown students who are selected for the last 16 seats in the fall semester will be required to take courses during the first summer in the program (summer contract). This is different from the Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program. The purpose of the summer contract is to balance class and clinical group sizes to personalize and optimize the availability of learning experiences.

Contact info for Director of Admissions and Enrollment:


Admission Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about admission.