MSN (Advanced Practice NP) Program Outcomes

All students will be awarded a Master’s Degree in Nursing after successfully completing the required 48 hours of course work.

At the completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

Integrate theories and evidence based on the art and science of nursing knowledge, as well as other disciplines, to make clinical decisions in the delivery of advanced practice nursing care.

Formulate and communicate compassionate, ethical, evidenced-based individualized plans of care in consideration of social determinants of health.

Collaborate with interprofessional teams and other stakeholders to formulate initiatives, influence heath policies, and improve advanced practice nursing health care delivery and health outcomes for individuals and populations.

Disseminate evidence-based recommendations to improve advanced practice nursing health care delivery and patient outcomes for diverse patients.

Evaluate advanced nursing practice healthcare delivery for the purpose of quality improvement, improved patient outcomes, reduction of risks to patients and providers, and reduced fragmentation of care.

Coordinate healthcare system resources to provide safe, quality, inclusive, equitable advanced practice nursing care.

Utilize technologies to provide evidence-based advanced practice nursing care, gather data to drive clinical decision making, and deliver healthcare services in accordance with ethical and professional standards.

Model behaviors that reflect nursing values, accountability, collaborative leadership, and ethical principles in advanced nursing practice.

Participate in activities and self-reflection that foster compassionate self-care, resilience, well-being, lifelong learning and leadership development as an advanced practice nurse.