Faith Community Nursing

Tina LeFaive is leading efforts to improve community health in Springfield, Ohio by developing Faith Community Nursing programs in churches across the area. 

Faith Community Nursing is an initiative led by the WVU School of Nursing to bring nurse-led access to care to the most rural reaches of West Virginia. 

Our course, Foundations of Faith Community Nursing, teaches participants how to improve health in faith communities, as well as to provide quality care to members of different faith backgrounds in the clinical care setting.

Once students have completed the course, they can begin making a difference in their communities — from establishing walking groups and hosting blood drives to sharing vaccination information and offering blood pressure screenings.

Register for Foundations of Faith Community Nursing 

See how we're making a difference: 

Many scholarship opportunities are available thanks to generous donors. Please contact Dr. Angel Smothers to learn more about current scholarship availability, or to consider making a contribution to support Faith Community Nursing.